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03 September, 2012

Scholarship 2013 Postgraduate Bursaries at University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

HVDC Centre offered Postgraduate Bursaries for international students in the field of Power and Energy at University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa 2013
Study Subject(s):Power and Energy
Course Level:Postgraduate
Scholarship Provider: HVDC Centre
Scholarship can be taken at: South Africa
-Open to citizens of all countries
-For postgraduate study at the HVDC Centre, University of KwaZulu Natal (Masters, PhD and Post-Doctoral only)
-Any individual between 19 and 45 years of age.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: The HVDC  Centre is announcing its bursaries call for postgraduate studies to be undertaken in 2013. The bursaries from the HVDC  Centre aim to help in building research excellence in High Voltage Engineering (DC) in Africa. The bursary has the generous offering of free postgraduate tuition (bursary applicable to Masters, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral level studies only), and a stipend covering accommodation, meals. A special allowance for books and travel allowance.
Benefit: The stipend is as follows:
-MSc 10000USD per annum for a maximum of two years
-PhD 14300USD per annum for a maximum of three years
-Post-Doctoral 21400USD per annum extendable for a maximum of three years (based on satisfactory performance).
How to Apply: Complete the UKZN Post Graduate application forms (contact for more info).
Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 November 2013
Further Scholarship Information and Application

Scholarships for International Students at Copenhagen International School, Denmark 2013

Copenhagen International School offers Scholarships & Exhibitions for National and International Students for pursuing International Baccalaureate Diploma, Denmark 2013
About Programme: The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a two-year educational programme for students aged 16–19 that provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education, and is recognised by universities worldwide.
About Employer: Copenhagen International School was established in 1963 as a private non-profit institution, recognized by the Danish Ministry of Education, to provide an education of excellent quality, with English as the principle language of instruction. The school provides a complete educational programme for students from ages 3 to 18, from pre-kindergarten through to grade 12.
Study Subject(s):Courses offered by the university
Course Level:The program is for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (grades 11 and 12) and Pre-IB (grade 10).
Scholarship Provider: Copenhagen International School
Scholarship can be taken at: Denmark
-Scholarships will be awarded to applicants who are academically exceptional, well-rounded students.
-Applicants will be required to take a test in English, Mathematics and the second language they wish to pursue.
-Students who have been awarded scholarships or exhibitions will be at an advantage when applying to universities and colleges.
-A number of financial scholarships are also available to students entering Pre-IB/grade 10.
-Honours scholarships and exhibitions are available to students who do not require financial assistance, but fulfil the other criteria. These do not offer any financial benefit
-Applicants who are not awarded a scholarship may still be considered for a reduced fee.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: Each year, Copenhagen International School (CIS) offers a number of scholarships and exhibitions for both international and Danish students who wish to study the International Baccalaureate Diploma.Applicants will be required to take a test in English, Mathematics and the second language they wish to pursue. All candidates should bring with them a portfolio of their best work and three letters of recommendation from teachers. Successful examination candidates will then be invited for an interview.
What it Covers: For scholarship applicants who require financial assistance in order to enter CIS for grades 11 to 12, the school is offering a number of financial awards, with financial assistance to cover up to 85% of the tuition, registration and application fees. For students entering Pre-IB/grade 10, the financial assistance may cover up to 85% of the tuition fees.
Number of awards: Each year, Copenhagen International School (CIS) offers a number of scholarships.
How to Apply: Applications should be made by online mode.
Online Application Forms
Scholarship Application Deadline: January 31, 2013
Further Scholarship Information and Application
02 September, 2012

Pending Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

 Here are some list of Erasmus Mundus scholarships you that you may apply to.

  • 4CITIES - UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies
  • ADVANCES - MA Advanced Development in Social Work
  • ARCHMAT - European Master in ARCHaeological MATerials Science
  • ChIR - Erasmus Mundus Master in Chemical Innovation and Regulation
  • EMERALD - Master Course in Georesources Engineering
  • EMMCMSP - Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning
  • EMPHID - Public Health in Disasters
  • EPOG - Master's Course - Economic Policies in the age of Globalisation : knowledge, finance and development
  • EUCOMOR - European Master in Comparative Morphology
  • MFAMILY - European Master in Social Work with Families and Children 
  • PERCCOM - PERvasive Computing & COMmunications for sustainable development
  • SSI - Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration
  • TRIBOS - Joint European master in tribology of surfaces and interfaces 
  • TROPIMUNDO - Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems

For more information on each scholarship,visit

13 August, 2012

Monash University Jubilee Honours Scholarship for National/International Students, Australia 2013

Monash University offers Jubilee Honours Scholarship for Graduate National/International Students, Australia 2013
Study Subject(s):Courses offered by the university
Course Level:Degree courses
Scholarship Provider: Monash University
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia
-Australian or New Zealand citizen, holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or permanent humanitarian visa or an International student.
-Commencing a separate 48 credit-point honours degree at a Monash campus in Australia.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: The Monash University Jubilee Honours Scholarship was introduced to acknowledge the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Monash University.$6,000 for a full-time study load (48 credit points) pad per year until the minimum number of points for your degree are completed.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 October 2012
Scholarship Tags: , , , , 

Read more: Monash University Jubilee Honours Scholarship for National/International Students, Australia 2013 : 2012 2013 College Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Postdoctoral, Graduate International Scholarships Fellowships
12 August, 2012

Denmark : PhD scholarship in obesity and immunology using next-generation sequencing

A 3 year position is available at the Laboratory of Genomics and Molecular Biomedicine headed by Professor Karsten Kristiansen at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen.

The PhD-student will be involved in the project "Single cell RNA sequencing to decipher the role of dietary and endogenous factors in adipose tissue inflammation (SINCER)" which will focus on analyzing molecular and cellular factors involved in initiation and maintenance of inflammation in obesity in mice and humans by using state-of-the-art techniques.

The project is collaboration between the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the State University of São Paulo in Brazil and the successful applicant is expected to work in all three places as appropriate in relation to the project.

Chronic diseases associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, are among the major causes of death and illness worldwide. During the last decade, it became clear that obesity-induced inflammation in adipose tissue contributes to the development of these diseases. The primary goal of the project is to identify possible targets for therapeutic intervention in adipose tissue inflammation-induced metabolic disorders.

We are looking for a dedicated student who is able to engage in teamwork within the group and with our collaborators.
  • BSc in technical sciences within the health field (e.g. medicine and technology). MSc in molecular biology (e.g. human biology).
  • The applicant must have experience with Illumina next-generation sequencing within immunology and experience with analyzing the data by applying bioinformatics using Java and Perl.
  • The candidate must speak and write excellent English and must speak Portuguese.
  • Must have worked in a Portuguese speaking country.
  • Certificate to conduct animal experiments (FELASA C).
  • Have documented involvement in scientific work including submitted manuscripts.
Applicants are requested to submit their application electronically below including:
  • Motivated letter of application
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Transcript of university examinations (in English)
  • Letter of recommendation
An assessment committee will be appointed to evaluate the applications. The applicant will be notified of the composition of the committee. The final selection of a successful candidate will be made by the Head of Department, based on the recommendations of the assessment committee.
The successful candidate will then be requested to formally apply for enrolment as a PhD student at the PhD school of Science, University of Copenhagen. The main criterion for selection will be the research potential of the applicant within the area of the project.

Terms of appointment and payment are in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Federation of Professional Associations (AC).
The starting salary for candidates with an MSc degree will be a minimum of DKK 309.179 (about EUR 41.500) per year (April 2012 level) plus pension contribution DKK 42.243 with the possibility of salary negotiation.

The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

The deadline for applications is August 24, 2012.

Applications received after the deadline, or with insufficient documentation or otherwise not complying with the above requirements, may not be considered. It is expected that the successful candidate will be enrolled at the PhD School of the Faculty of Science as soon as possible.
Further Information
Application Deadline : 24 August 2012
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Posted on 2012-08-10 15:04:48

Denmark : PhD Scholarships at the Department of Biology

Two 3-year PhD positions are available at the Department of Biology. Candidates can apply for a personal scholarship, to study a PhD project of own choice, under supervision of a Department of Biology faculty member (i.e. associate or full professor). A complete list of potential supervisors can be found at Only applications that include a written confirmation letter from the proposed departmental supervisor will be considered.

Research at the Department of Biology is divided into 11 sections and several centres. For more information:

Criteria for selecting the candidates:

The project
The project should be scientifically strong and innovative, with clear objectives and a detailed description of the planned strategy.

The candidate should have strong CV. Aspects of the Bachelor´s and Master´s studies, such as grades and duration should be taken into consideration in the evaluation of the candidates´ potential to complete the project as outlined. Scientific publications and experience with studying abroad are assets. Fluency in spoken and written English is a strong requirement.

The scientific environment
The project should be embedded in a strong scientific environment that can provide resources, advice on relevant methodology, and should be engaged in international collaborations. Collaborative projects between Departmental sections are encouraged.

Salary and terms of employment
An assessment committee will be appointed to evaluate the applications. The final selection of a successful candidate will be made by the Head of Department, based on the recommendations of the evaluation committee. The successful candidates will then be requested to formally apply for enrolment as PhD student at the PhD school of Science, University of Copenhagen.

Terms of appointment and payment are in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Federation of Professional Associations (AC). The starting salary for candidates with an MSc degree will be a minimum of DKK 309.179 per year (April 2012 level) plus pension contribution DKK 42,243 and the possibility to negotiate wage.

The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Applicants are requested to submit their applications electronically below, including the requested documentation and a written confirmation letter from the proposed departmental supervisor.

Deadline for applications is August 15, 2012. Applications received after the deadline, or with insufficient documentation or otherwise not complying with the above requirements, may not be considered. Note that only applications that include a written confirmation letter from the proposed departmental supervisor will be considered

For further information contact Professor Olaf Nielsen at

Apply online here: Apply online
Further Information
Application Deadline : 15 August 2012
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Posted on 2012-08-10 14:57:56

Denmark : PhD Scholarship in Image Analysis and Computer Vision

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU) invites applications for a fully funded PhD Scholarship within identification and 3D localization of anesthetized animals. The study will cover areas from 3D Computer Vision, Image Analysis, and Machine Learning.

The study is part of the project "Real-time control of robots for the meat industry" which is undertaken by a consortium of universities and major players within the Danish meat industry including: University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, Danish Meat Research Institute, IHFood, Danish Crown, Danpo, Linco, Rose Poultry, TICan, and Robotcenter Danmark.
A major part of the sub-project is focused on identification and 3D-localization of the legs of anesthetized pigs. Methods for accurate and robust partial 3D-shape modeling will be central. Data from standard cameras as well as infrared 3D cameras and use of techniques from Machine learning, such as the shape priors applied for human pose estimation in the Kinect playstations, will be considered. Other parts of the project will focus on how to hang up the pigs for slaughtering. Part of the sub-project may be to develop accurate and fast methods for visual servoing of the robot during the last phase of picking task. In general, the wishes for robustness and speed and requirements on animal ethics are considerable.

About DIKU
Founded in 1970, DIKU is located close to the center of Copenhagen, which has consistently been rated one of the most livable cities in the world. The Image Group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen is mainly doing research in the fields of Image Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, Statistics and Computer Graphics. The primary research emphasis is on the mathematical foundation of image analysis and the medical application in collaboration with clinical partners. The Image Group currently consists of 29 researchers representing 9 nationalities. The group publishes in all high-level conferences and journals in the field. The group has been co-organising numerous international events such as ECCV 2002, MICCAI 2006, SCIA 2007, MMBIA 2007, as well as yearly international PhD schools. Further information about the Image Group is available from

About the scholarship
The scholarship is funded by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. The PhD project will be carried out in the Image Group at DIKU, in formal cooperation with the project partners and a number of collaborating research groups throughout the world.

The salary and appointment terms are according to the agreement for PhD scholarships as of 1 April 2012, according to which the monthly salary amounts to approximately EUR 3,700 including pension savings. Each scholarship requires a Master´s degree in computer science or in a related field providing equivalent qualifications (see below), at the time of taking up the position. The scholarships can be commenced as of 1 October 2012, or as soon as possible thereafter. The appointment is for a period of 3 years and is expected to lead to a PhD dissertation.


The applicant should have:
- An MSc in Computer Science, Engineering, Physics or Mathematics
- An MSc thesis within Computer Vision, Image Processing, and/or Machine Learning
- Excellent programming skills, experience in MATLAB and/or C++
- A solid background in mathematics and/or statistics
- Knowledge on depth image data analysis
- A wish to combine theoretical method development with practical experiments
- Courage to work together with industrial oriented people, and to spend part of the project time with the project partners.

Enquiries about the position can be made to Associate Professor Søren Ingvor Olsen, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, e-mail:, phone: +45 2329 3888.

Submission of Applications Applicants are requested to submit their application by using the link below. The application deadline is 16 August 2012 at 23:59, CEST (UTC+2). Applications or supplementary material received thereafter will not be considered, unless explicitly requested by the evaluation committee.

The application must contain:

- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation, including specific ideas and proposals for research work to be undertaken as part of the PhD project
- Copies of degree certificates and transcripts of university examinations, covering both Bachelor´s and Master´s studies
- Copy of TOEFL or IETS test results and certificates (for non-EU/non-EEA nationals who do not have English as their native language)
- Copies of scientific publications (if any), including the Master´s thesis. If thesis work is still in progress at the time of application, a draft or a 1-2 page synopsis should be enclosed instead
- Contact details for 2 persons for scientific references

The copies of transcripts should preferably be in English or Danish. They need not be notarized. However, any offer made will be contingent upon verification of academic qualifications to become effective, e.g. by notarized translation into English or Danish.

The University of Copenhagen wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society at large and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of nationality, gender, marital status, race, personal beliefs, etc.
Further Information
Application Deadline : 16 August 2012
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Posted on 2012-08-10 15:03:04

Italy : PhD Course in Materials for Engineering


Part of the Ph.D. School in Engineering Science
Coordinator: Prof. Laura Eleonora Depero
Department: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (DIMI)
Duration: 3 years
Number of
available positions
Number of
Ordinary positions 4 2
Extra positions for foreign
* *
* The positions will be awarded according to the procedures described in the last page of the present
1 scholarship funded by the University of Brescia
½ scholarship funded by The Young Researcher Fund;
½ scholarship funded by ORAMA Project (VII Programma Quadro)
Scientific Sectors: CHIM/07;FIS/01; FIS/03; ICAR/08; ICAR/09; ING-IND/; ING-IND/17; INGIND/
21; ING-IND/22.
Admission requirements
M. -Sc. (or equivalent).
Admission procedures: titles and preparation and discussion of a project with the final aim to check the attitude of the candidate to carry out scientific research. Good knowledge of one or more of the following foreign languages: English, French, Spanish.
Titles that will be evaluated:
- Degree (score and relevance to the research activity);
- Certifications of language proficiency
- Certifications of the previous research activity
- Presentation letter(s) which must be prepared by a University professor or by an expert in the sector and must be uploaded by the Applicant together with all the documentation.
Documents necessary to upload (project proposal, presentation letter and other) are available at the website:
Foreigner candidates residing abroad will have the option to take the oral exam by a telematic
platform (Skype, for instance), if the judging committee allows it. The computer of the candidate must be equipped with a web-camera in order to ensure the identification.

When the application is submitted online, applicants must provide all the information required to activate the online connection and recognition of their identity, including a copy of an identity
document. The telematic oral examination will be given concomitantly to the oral examinations of the other candidates.
The date and venue of the oral examination will be posted on the University website
at least 20 days before it.

Further Information
Application Deadline : 27 September 2012
Download this Call as PDF
Contact Adress: prof. Laura E. Depero
Contact Email:
Posted on 2012-08-10 05:22:48
19 July, 2012

Tip for Scholarship Interview

Interview is conservation between two or more people and excellent way of proving your candidature for scholarship. On the other hand it is useful for the judges to get to know you, your maturity level, composure etc.
What’s an Interview About?
If you are thinking that you look good on your paper process then you will easily pass the next process which is an interview round, it is totally wrong. The reality is, still you are in “now or never” kind of situation. Here is some information given below that will tell you what you should do before and after the interview process:
Before the Interview:
When you are going for interview process be equipped with all the information of scholarship, what type of questions you expect to be asked etc. etc.
First, Read the announcement again and again. Find out all credentials that will prove your worth for scholarship. Don’t try to lie in the interview round if you are overqualified. In some interviews the judges can ask some questions directly that why you are the best for that place. You should give best answer and try to convince them that you are the best for that position.
Second, try to find out that how much the interview will take time? Who will take your interview? What interesting topics can take place between you and interviewer? Prepare yourself accordingly. The second option for this is try to make contact with those persons who have been through the interview before you.
Third, your body language should be good such as eye contact, Facial expressions, gestures etc. How you present yourself before interviewer is very important. Your eye contact and hand shaking style shows your confidence level.
Fourth, be on time in the interview for achieving the success. If you don’t know the way of your interview venue try to map out a route because being early gives you the time for relaxation. If you are unable to reach at the venue from any reason, at that time you should call ahead and let them know. This will show that how much you are very serious about your interview.
Here are some questions given below that can help at the time of scholarship interview:
Tell me about yourself.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Tell me about your background?
What interests you about the scholarship?
Why you have applied for this scholarship?
What outside activities are most significant to your personal development?
If you are PhD pursuing, he/she can ask about your research progress?
He/she can ask about your achievements.
What interested the candidate in coming into this field?
What type of financial source candidates have?

14 July, 2012

AU Academic Leadership Scholarship for Undergraduate Students, Canada

Athabasca University offers AU Academic Leadership Scholarship for Undergraduate Students, Canada 2012
Study Subject(s):Courses offered by the university
Course Level:Undergraduate
Scholarship Provider: Athabasca University
Scholarship can be taken at: Canada
Students earning credit towards an AU Bachelor degree designation who have achieved a cumulative AU grade point average (GPA) of 3.60 or higher and who have completed at least 15 AU credits are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Open for International Students: No
Scholarship Description: These scholarships are awarded to current Athabasca University (AU) undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program. Students earning credit towards an AU Bachelor degree designation who have achieved a cumulative AU grade point average (GPA) of 3.60 or higher and who have completed at least 15 AU credits are eligible to apply.
How to Apply: By mail/By post
Scholarship Application Deadline: October 15
Further Scholarship Information and Application

2012 Kongsberg Maritime Specialist Scholarship at University of Aberdeen, UK

Undergraduate Scholarship for International students in Engineering at University of Aberdeen, UK 2012
Study Subject(s):Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer and Software Engineering, Communications )
Course Level:Undergraduate (year3)
Scholarship Provider: Kongsberg
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
All students commencing third year of any of the degree programmes listed below in September 2012 are eligible to apply for the Kongsberg Maritime Specialist Scholarship in Electrical & Electronic Engineering.
You should note that the scholarship is open to all students commencing third year of any of the eligible degree programmes in September 2012, regardless of nationality, where they are domiciled, or fee structure to which they belong to.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: All countries
Scholarship Description: Kongsberg is an international, knowledge-based corporation that supplies high-technology systems and solutions to customers engaged in the oil and gas industry, the merchant marine, and the defence and aerospace industries. Kongsberg is offering one Kongsberg Maritime Specialist Scholarship in Electrical & Electronic Engineering.The scholarship is valued at £1,500 per annum and will be awarded to the successful applicant for the rest of their undergraduate degree programme. If the successful applicant is studying one of the above listed MEng degree programmes, they will receive £1,500 per annum for each of years 3, 4 and 5 (i.e. £4,500 over 3 years). If the successful applicant is studying one of the above listed BEng degree programmes, they will receive £1,500 per annum for each of years 3 and 4 (i.e. £3,000 over 2 years).
How to Apply: Email
Scholarship Application Deadline: 22nd of October 2012
Further Scholarship Information and Application

The William T Southcott Scholarship at University of South Australia, 2012 Australia

University of South Australia offers Postgraduate Research in the field of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering or related discipline, 2012 Australia
Study Subject(s):Advanced Manufacturing Engineering or related discipline
Course Level:Postgraduate research
Scholarship Provider: Bequest from Mr William T Southcott.
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia
Eligibility:The scholarship is open to Australian citizens, Permanent Residents of Australia or International students. Australian citizens or Permanent Residents normally will be eligible for a tuition scholarship under the Research Training Scheme.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: The scholarship will be offered to an outstanding postgraduate research student to undertake research leading to a PhD in the field of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering or related discipline. The scholarship is a prestigious award, and the recipient should have an outstanding academic record as well as leadership potential and personal attributes suitable for the award. The recipient will be required to be an ambassador for the University and may be required to give presentations to the manufacturing industry.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 October (Australian applicants) 31 August (international applicants)
Further Scholarship Information and Application
09 July, 2012

Kiwiplan Scholarship at University of Auckland, New Zealand 2012

University of Auckland offers Kiwiplan Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in Information Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Commerce, New Zealand 2012
Study Subject(s):Information Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Commerce
Course Level:Undergraduate
Scholarship Provider: Kiwiplan NZ Limited
Scholarship can be taken at: New Zealand
-GPA of 6.00 or above.
-Study and experience of direct relevance in computer science.
-Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
-Excellent verbal and written English language skills.
-Ability to work as part of a team as well as independently.
-Excellent project management and problem solving skills.
-Demonstrated skills as a self-starter.
-Interest in the development of software for manufacturing industries.
Scholarship Open for International Students: No
Scholarship Description: The Scholarships were established in 2000 and are financed by Kiwiplan NZ Limited, an IT (Information Technology) company, specialising in computer systems for the paper packaging industry.Up to three Scholarships will be awarded to Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science; Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Information Systems; Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering; or appropriate Bachelor of Technology candidates, who have enrolled and have paid the fees, or arranged to pay the fees, for full-time study in the Department of Computer Science.
How to Apply: By mail/By post
Scholarship Application Deadline: 31/07/2012
Further Scholarship Information and Application

2012 Masters Bursaries in English at the University of Leicester, UK

School of English offers Masters Bursaries in English for UK/EU and International Applicants at the University of Leicester, UK 2012
Study Subject(s):English
Course Level:Master’s
Scholarship Provider: School of English, University of Leicester
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Applicants must have a first-class or high upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent qualification) in English and meet the University’s standard English language entry requirements.he bursaries are open to suitable UK/EU and international (i.e., outside the EU) applicants.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: The School of English is pleased to offer six bursaries for October 2012 entry to its four full-time Masters programmes. Three bursaries of £1,000 are available for UK/EU applicants, two bursaries of £1,500 are available for international applicants, and a further bursary of £1,000 is available to UK/EU or international applicants to the MA English Language and Linguistics programme. The School of English at the University of Leicester excels in the whole spectrum of English Studies, from Old English to Contemporary Writing; from literary, cultural and intellectual history to the literatures and languages of North America, Ireland, Scandinavia, the Caribbean and Asia; and from critical theory to creative writing. Through our arrangements for teaching, supervision and support, we are committed to meeting the individual and shared needs of all of our postgraduate students.
How to Apply: Online, Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: 01 August 2012
Further Scholarship Information and Application

OPC Scholarship at University of Nottingham, UK 2012/2013

Oilfield Production Consultants offers Bachelor and Master Scholarship for UK/EU/International Students in Engineering at University of Nottingham, UK 2012/2013
Study Subject(s):Engineering
Course Level:Bachelor or Master’s
Scholarship Provider: Oilfield Production Consultants
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
-Currently be studying on a BEng/MEng/BSc degree in the Department of Civil Engineering; Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering; Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering; or the Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering at The University of Nottingham UK.
-Preference will be given to UK Home students though EU/overseas students may apply.
-Have spent time in the oil and gas industry either on a summer placement (minimum of 10 weeks) in the summer of 2012 or on a one-year placement (commencing 2011 and ending 2012), during their second year (BEng/BSc) or third year (MEng).
-Must be returning into their third year of their BEng/BSc study, or the fourth year of their MEng study when applying for the scholarship.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes (UK Home students though EU/overseas students)
Scholarship Description: Oilfield Production Consultants (OPC) is a globally renowned leader in the provision of professional expertise, management and support to the upstream exploration and production sector of the oil and gas industry.This scholarship has been set up by the company’s managing director, Nottingham alumnus Piers Johnson (Mechanical Engineering, 1979), to encourage current engineering students to consider a future career in the oil and gas industry.
How to Apply: By mail/By post
Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 October 2013
Further Scholarship Information and Application
04 July, 2012

Ethiopia Postgraduate Scholarship at University of Nottingham, UK

University of Nottingham offers Postgraduate Scholarship for Ethiopian students in the field of Engineering, Medicine & Health Sciences, Science, Geography, UK 2012
Study Subject(s):Engineering, Medicine & Health Sciences, Science, Geography and other
Course Level:Postgraduate
Scholarship Provider: University of Nottingham
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
You can apply for this scholarship if you are a national of (or permanently domiciled in) Ethiopia and in public service at the time of application AND are classed as an overseas student for fee purposes AND already hold an offer to start a full-time Masters degree programme (including MRes) or full-time Research degree programme (PhD or MPhil) at Nottingham in September 2012 in one of the areas of study below: Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences Faculty of Science School of Geography – courses related to the area of Environment Institute for Science & Society – courses related to the area of Science Institute of Work, Health & Organisations – courses related to the area of Health Business School – courses allied to Operations Management
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Ethiopia
Scholarship Description: The University of Nottingham, in partnership with The Ministry of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is delighted to offer full scholarships for postgraduate students from Ethiopia 5 scholarships – 100% tuition fee and full living allowance Each scholarship covers one year at Masters degree level or three years at PhD degree level (living allowances will be agreed by The The University of Nottingham and The The Ministry of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on a case by case basis)
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: 30th May 2012
Further Scholarship Information and Application
02 July, 2012

Japan – Scholarships for International Students, Kochi University Read more: Japan – Scholarships for International Students, Kochi University

International Student Scholarships are available in Kochi University of Technology, Japan 2013
University: Kochi University of Technology (KUT)
Country of Study: Japan
Open for International Students: Yes
Application Deadline: The deadline for scholarship applications is September 18, 2012
Brief Description:
The Kochi University of Technology (KUT) in Japan, is offering a special scholarship programme for international (i.e. non-Japanese) students.
The Special Scholarship Program is the KUT scholarship program designed for excellent international students. Successful applicants will be exempted from all the required student fees, receive 240,000 yen per year as a Scholarship upon application, and also receive up to 960,000 yen per year for working as a research assistant under the specific research project. The research projects may be particularly interesting to students from the Faculties of Health, Sport and Science, and Advanced Technology.
For more information, please refer to the following websites:

2012-2013 Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia (EMEA) Scholarship, Europe Read more: 2012-2013 Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia (EMEA) Scholarship, Europe

Fully funded scholarship for Undergraduate, Master, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students from Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan at The European Partner Universities, Europe 2012
Study Subject(s):Courses offered by the University
Course Level:Undergraduate, Master, Doctoral and Postdoctoral
Scholarship Provider: European Commission,Erasmus Mundus Europe
Scholarship can be taken at: The European partner universities
Nationals of Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal or Pakistan, registered at one of the Asian partner universities at the time of application. Undergraduate students must have completed at least one year of studies at a higher education institution at the time of application, not necessarily from one of the Asian partner universities.
To be eligible for an undergraduate scholarship you must have completed at least one year of university studies already. You also need to fulfil the admission requirements for the course/programme you are applying for.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan
Scholarship Description: Welcome to apply for fully funded scholarship within the Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia (EMEA) Scholarship Programme! EMEA is a scholarship programme for students on undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral level as well as for university staff in academic or administrative positions, financed by the European Commission. The EMEA Scholarship Programme is open to nationals in Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan who want to study or work at one of the European partner universities. The current selection round has been finalized. If the project receives further funding, the next application round is between October 15 and December 1, 2012.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: October 15 and December 1, 2012
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Read more: 2012-2013 Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia (EMEA) Scholarship, Europe : 2012 2013 College Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Postdoctoral, Graduate International Scholarships Fellowships

RSM MFM Excellence Scholarship for Master Students at Erasmus University, RSM MFM Excellence Scholarship for Master Students at Erasmus University, Netherlands 2012

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University offers RSM MFM Excellence Scholarship for Master Students in Financial Management, Netherlands 2012
Study Subject(s):Financial Management
Course Level:Masters
Scholarship Provider: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Scholarship can be taken at: Netherlands
Any candidate that is offered a place on our MFM Programme commencing in January 2013 may apply.
Scholarship Open for International Students: No
Scholarship Description: The Scholarship is open to high potential candidates who are interested in pursuing a world class graduate management education in a leading international business school in Europe. The scholarship has a value of €8,000 that will be waived from the tuition fee.
How to Apply: By mail
Scholarship Application Deadline: 26 November 2012
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Scholarship Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Read more: RSM MFM Excellence Scholarship for Master Students at Erasmus University, Netherlands 2012 : 2012 2013 College Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Postdoctoral, Graduate International Scholarships Fellowships

Scholarship for Ethiopians

Ethiopia has gradually expanding its higher education sector through increasing the number of federal universities in the country. The Haile Selassie University, today known as Addis Ababa University (AAU) was the first higher institution in Ethiopia. The government of Ethiopia also considers the significance of higher education in its strategy for social and economic development. The Ethiopian government found advanced education as a significant plank in its strategy for social and economic expansion. That’s why it opens the door for foreign students to enroll in the private colleges of Ethiopia. Jointly funded scholarships by the agreement of a joint Ethiopian Ministry of Education and University of Nottingham provide Higher Education development in Ethiopia. Various financial schemes like scholarships, awards and grants etc. are provided to native students as well as foreign students in order to expand the education system and to bring efficiency in it. Our site ‘’ assists you in finding the several scholarships for Ethiopians. To know more about those scholarships just  explore the below list.
Scholarship Program: CV Raman International fellowship for African Researchers
Department of Science & Technology, India
Level of study: Post Doctoral
Brief Scholarship Description: 
The Fellowship provides opportunities for African researchers to conduct collaborative research / training for 1-6 months duration at universities and research institutions in India.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Research Master Behavioural and Social Sciences at University of Groningen, Netherlands 2012
University of Groningen
Level of study: 
:Research Master
Brief Scholarship Description: 
Candidates can apply for this grant by sending a letter of motivation in which they indicate that they are in need of a grant and would like to be considered for the UGTG: Research Master Behavioural and Social Sciences (partial grant).
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Ethiopia Postgraduate Scholarship at University of Nottingham, UK
Employer:  University of Nottingham
Level of study:
Brief Scholarship Description: 
The University of Nottingham, in partnership with The Ministry of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is delighted to offer full scholarships for postgraduate students from Ethiopia 5 scholarships – 100% tuition fee and full living allowance Each scholarship covers one year at Masters degree level or three years at PhD degree level (living allowances will be agreed by The The University of Nottingham and The The Ministry of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on a case by case basis)
Scholarship Website:

Scholarship Program: 2012 Aklilu Lemma Scholarship Awards for Undergraduate Students, Ethiopia
Employer: Aklilu Lemma Foundation
Level of study: 
Brief Scholarship Description: 
ALF Inviting Applicants to Its 16 th Cycle Scholarship Awards. 25 Meritorious Students Will Be Screened and Selected by ALF Committees at different levels to be Recipients of the Aklilu Lemma Scholarship Awards for the 2012/2013 Academic Year. ALF strives to ensure Reasonable Participation of Deserving Female Students. Successful Applicants will Be Awarded a Certificate of Merit, a Monthly Stipend of Eth. Birr 200.00 during the 2012/2013 Academic Year, and some Other Educational Support.The Scholarship Award is Tenable for One Year and is Renewable until Graduation, provided the Awardee Maintains the CGPA Required for Renewal to be specified by faculty/school/institute committees at the time of selection.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Call for Applications for Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, 2012-2013 in Ethiopia
Employer:  Mekelle University
Level of study: 
Mid-Career Professionals
Brief Scholarship Description: The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is a United States government-funded program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. Initiated in 1978, this program is part of the Fulbright exchange programs.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: 2012 Irish Aid Fellowships for Postgraduate Applicants
The Department of Foreign Affairs
Level of study: 
Postgraduate Courses
Brief Scholarship Description: 
Irish Aid Fellowships are awarded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and are targeted mainly at the countries in which Ireland has established development cooperation programmes: Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Timor Leste and Vietnam, plus the Palestinian territories. In Uganda, the Fellowship Training Programme addresses specific capacity gaps in Partner institutions within the sectors and crosscutting areas that Irish Aid Uganda is engaged.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: 2013 Ford Motor Company International Fellowship, USA
Employer: Ford Motor Company
Level of study: 
Brief Scholarship Description: 
Ford Motor Company, a global corporation and world leader in corporate citizenship, and 92nd Street Y, the world’s first global Jewish community and cultural center, are proud to join together in launching the thirteenth year of the Ford Motor Company International Fellowship of 92nd Street Y. The program is designed to enhance the efforts of emerging leaders in communities throughout the world. Before and after their residency at 92nd Street Y, Fellows are in contact with 92Y and with one another. Through email communities, distance learning, electronic newsletters and announcements, and teleconferencing, Fellows become part of a global network of community leaders.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Italian Government Study Grants for Foreigners and Italians Residing Abroad
Employer: Italian Government
Level of study: 
Undergraduate, Masters, PhD, Research
Brief Scholarship Description: 
Study grants are awarded by the Italian Government to foreigners as a contribution toward their studies and research in Italy, aiming at spreading the Italian language, culture and sciences abroad and at promoting cultural, economic and technological cooperation worldwide.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: Scholarships for International Master’s Students at University of Skövde, Sweden 2012
Employer: University of Skövde
Level of study: 
Brief Scholarship Description: 
The University of Skövde offers scholarships to students attending a Master’s programme at our university. The scholarships are tuition fee waivers of SEK 60 000 / year (50% of the tuition fee), and the amount will be deducted from the tuition fee when you receive the invoice. The scholarship granting criterion is academic merits. The scholarship can only be awarded to tuition paying students. Please note that you have to be able to finance the rest of the tuition fee yourself and to cover all the living expenses during your stay in Sweden.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: EASST Visiting Scholar Fellowship for East African Students, 2012 USA
Employer: The East Africa Social Science Translation (EASST) Collaborative
Level of study: 
Research Visiting Fellowship
Brief Scholarship Description: 
The East Africa Social Science Translation (EASST) Collaborative invites economic, public health and other social science researchers and students from East Africa to apply for the 2012 Visiting Scholar Fellowship. The three-month fellowship will be based at a CEGA-network campus (University of California or Stanford), and can be spent auditing courses, presenting recent work, attending seminars, developing curricula, and designing collaborative research projects. Upon completing the fellowship, the candidate is expected to return to a university or research institute in East Africa and assume a leading role in the global effort on impact evaluation for economic development.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: International Fellowship in Graduate Research for Adapting Livestock Systems to Climate Change
Colorado State University
Level of study: 
 Masters, PhD
Brief Scholarship Description: 
Fellows will be expected to become specialists who can contribute to research regarding the adaptation of livestock systems to climate change in the LCC CRSP countries of focus (Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Senegal, Nepal, and Tajikistan). Selected fellows must propose to conduct research in one or more of the focus countries. In this way, the LCC CRSP aims to build research capacity.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: New Zealand ASEAN Scholar Awards for Developing Countries Students, 2012 New Zealand
Employer: New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s international development programme
Level of study: Master and PhD
Brief Scholarship Description: 
The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s international development programme. They are managed by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. These awards empower individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to contribute to economic, social and political development within ASEAN nations
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: UCC Student Scholarship
Alpha University College
Level of study: 
Brief Scholarship Description:A student who achieves very high results shall receive a scholarship award from the University College and he/she shall maintain the award as long as he/she maintains his/her excellent academic status. In case a student achieves low results the scholarship will be revoked.
Scholarship Website:
Scholarship Program: The Royal College Scholarship
Royal University College
Level of study: Youth
Brief Scholarship Description: The college started offering scholarship to citizens of the less fortunate, starting right from its inception in the year 1997.At that time though its financial and organizational strength was at its infancy, the college still opted to give free and full scholarship to two students.Today this, number has increased proportionately with the growth and expansion of the college.More than 80 students are awarded a scholarship every year.This pulls the total number of full scholarship given since the collages establishment to 223, worth an aggregate value of over 2 million Birr.
Scholarship Website:
27 June, 2012

13 Popular Scholarships Every Developing Country Student Should Know

Did you know that there quite a number of  international scholarships targeted to students from developing countries?

Government-funded Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
The European Union (EU) offers full-time scholarships for a wide range of Masters programmes and Doctorate programmes to students coming from developing/emerging countries outside the EU.  The programme offers full scholarships and/or fellowships that cover the living costs, tuition fees, travelling and insurance costs of the students.  About 1,000 students are awarded with an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship each year starting 2009.
DAAD Scholarships
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides scholarships for a range of postgraduate courses with special relevance to developing countries at German Universities. The scholarships are specifically targeted to international students and young professionals from developing countries in Africa, Asia, Pacific Islands, Central and South America and Central and Eastern Europe.  DAAD scholarship supports selected programmes with a variety of full or partial scholarships
Australian Development Scholarships
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) are scholarships for international students from Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East,  Carribean countries and Latin America who wants to pursue vocational education and training courses, undergraduate degrees, postgraduate degrees, and PhD degrees in a wide range of studies at participating Australian universities and technical colleges. The scholarship includes full tuition fees, air travel, establishment allowance, living allowance, student insurance, and etc.  Up to 1000 Australian Development Scholarships are awarded each year across 31 countries with scholarships awarded equally between men and women.
Netherlands Fellowship Program
The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) are scholarships that allow candidates from 61 developing countries to receive a postgraduate education and to earn Dutch Master or PhD degree in a wide range of studies at Dutch Universities.  The fellowship can cover the costs of tuition fees, allowance, visas, travel costs, insurance and thesis research.
VLIR-UOS Scholarships
VLIR-UOS awards training and masters scholarships to students from selected developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America so that they can pursue a Training and Master’s Programme related to development at Universities in Belgium.  Every year, VLIR-UOS awards up to 180 scholarships to first-year master’s students.  The scholarships cover tuition fee, accomodation, allowance, travel costs,  and other program related costs.
Commonwealth Scholarships
Funded by the UK Department for International Development, the Commonwealth Scholarships are for students from developing Commonwealth countries who wants to pursue a Master’s, PhD, and split-site (PhD) Degree in all fields of study at UK Universities.  The scholarship provides tuition and examination fees, travel costs, living allowance, establishment allowance, thesis allowance and other related program costs.   Approximately 200-230 scholarships are awarded each year.

Institution-funded Scholarships

Joint Japan World Bank Scholarships
The Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarships  (JJ/WBGSP) allows eligible students from World Bank member countries (including most developing countries) to pursue a Master’s Degree related to development at participating Universities around the world.  The JJ/WBGSP scholarship provides annual awards to cover the cost of completing a master’s degree or its equivalent including tuition fees, travel costs, and living allowance.
OFID Scholarships
The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) are open to qualified students from any developing country who wish to pursue Master’s Degree in a subject related to development at any recognized University of his/her choice.  The scholarship covers tuition fees, allowance, health insurance, relocation grant, and travel costs.  OFID awards only one scholarship per year.

University-funded Scholarships

Ghent University Scholarships for Developing Countries
Ghent University provides postgraduate Masters scholarships to international students from developing countries who wish to study in Belgium and obtain a Master’s degree at Ghent University.  The scholarships consist of a monthly allowance, yearly tuition fee and one-time relocation fee.  Each year, a maximum of 10 scholarships can be awarded.
University of Westminster Scholarships for Developing Countries
University of Westminster awards scholarships to eligible students from any developing country who wish to study in the UK and pursue a full-time Masters degree in any field of study at the University of Westminster.  The scholarship awards full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.
Developing Solutions Scholarships at University of Nottingham
The Developing Solutions Scholarships are designed for international students from Africa, India or one of the developing countries of the Commonwealth who want to study a Masters Degree at the University of Nottingham and make a difference to the development of their home country. Each year,  105 scholarships  are awarded– 30 scholarships will cover the full tuition fee while 75 will cover 50% of the tuition fee.

21 June, 2012

DRD Scholarships for Sub-Saharan Africans

Deadline: 31 July 2012 (annual)
Study in:  South Africa/Germany
Course starts Jan-May 2013

Brief description:
For applicants from Sub-Saharan African countries with an excellent academic record, the DRD offers a limited number of DAAD merit scholarships per year.

Host Institution(s):
University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Field of study:

Scholarships are available for full-time students of:
MA and M Econ in Development Studies
Master in Public Administration
• the different PhD options at the centre (PhD UWC, PhD IDS)

Number of Awards:
Limited number of scholarships are available.

Target group:
The scholarships are intended for nationals of Sub-saharan African countries:
Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon,Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo DRC (Zaire), Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissaau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Scholarship value/inclusions:

Scholarships include monthly allowances of 650 Euro for Master candidates and 900 Euro for PhD candidates plus travel allowances.
Apart from full scholarships for participation in one of the above mentioned programmes a number of mobility scholarships for Master students are available each year. These scholarships are aimed at funding a study period in Germany. During such a study period abroad scholarship holders can participate in a Summer School at Ruhr-Univeristy Bochum, complete an internship with a German organization working in the field related to their studies or they can visit Ruhr-Univeristy Bochum during the completion phase of their Master Thesis for intensive supervision periods.

Scholarship applicants are advised to carefully read about the specific entry requirements and course application procedure of the programme of their choice. The information is available from the respective programmes sections.
All applicants have to meet the following requirements:
•  Applicants should be from Sub-Sahara Africa
•  Applicants should have achieved a first or upper second class for their previous course of study
•  The study must have been completed at an accredited University
•  The previous degree should have been an academic discipline which is related to development, such as economics, sociology, social anthropology, agriculture, statistics, etc.
• South African students are required to have an honours degree in order to be admitted to a Masters degree course
• Applicants must provide evidence of proficiency in English, both written and spoken. This can be TOEFL test or a similar standard test or a letter from an academic institution
• Applicants should preferably have been involved in development organisations, as interns, volunteers or employees
• There is no formal age restriction, but applicants should apply within three years of completing their previous degree, unless they have a good reason for having been academically inactive for a period
• Women are encouraged to apply
• Applicants must be able to study fulltime at the UWC for the required period.
Application instructions:
The closing date for scholarship applications for studies is on 31 July 2012.
Candidates for the Masters Programme in Public Administration (MPA), the MA and M Econ in Development Studies as well as PhD candidates in the fields of Governance, Public Policy, Public Management or Development Studies can submit their scholarship application before they register with UWC through the online application procedure.
It is important to  visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.  The application forms is available for download from the scholarship section.


20 June, 2012

International Development Scholarships at University of East London,in MSc NGO and Development Management Programme

Masters (MS) Degree
Deadline: 13 July 2012
Study in: London, UK
Course starts September 2012

Brief description:
The International Development Scholarship in association with International Students House (ISH) is a combined tuition fee, residential and maintenance scholarship offered to an international student from a developing country, who intends to make a positive contribution to the development of their home country as result of completing the MSc NGO and Development Management Programme, who would otherwise be unable to pursue the Programme for financial reasons.

Host Institution(s):
University of East London, UK

Field(s) of study:

Number of Scholarships:
Not specified

Target group:
The scholarships are targeted for students from developing countries.

Scholarship value/inclusions:

The Scholarship will include the following:
•  Return flights (Booked by UEL)
•  Tuition Fees
•  Accommodation*: Single room accommodation at ISH
•  Food*: 2 or 3 meals a day at ISH, the remaining meals covered by subsistence
•  Subsistence(including travel)*: £450 per month

To be eligible for the International Development Scholarship, applicants must:
•  First apply online for the MSc NGO and Development programme. The application will be assessed and if you are successful, the International admissions office will send you an International offer letter at UEL
•  Be from a developing or emerging country. Please click here for a list of developing or emerging countries.
•  Intend to return to your home country on completion of the course in order to put your studies into practice
•  Be able to demonstrate that you would otherwise be unable to pursue the course for financial reasons

Application instructions:

Only applicants who hold an admission offer for the MSc NGO and Development Management Programme can apply for this scholarship.  The deadline for scholarship applications is 13 July 2012.
It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


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